LL Studio 2069 LLC

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Tik Tok "The Top 5 Things That Tik Tok Black Creators Can Do!"

What Black Tik Tok NEED TO DO!


Yes, Black Tik Tok has been on strike for a minute ( for those that don't know what's a minute is? it's aka while). Everywhere you see BTTS (Black Tik Tok Strike) on the internet and news outlets. Why are they on strike, you may ask, or you may know by now. Well, it's about getting recognition for their choreography; that is what these black dancers wanted! But, unlike their white counterparts, getting all the shine (aka tribute) by taking the black creators’ hard work without any dance credit. At the same time, white creators are pulling all the banks with brand deals!


“The shot that was heard all over the social media world!”

The middle finger that started it all, Before flipping the script with a caption that reads "Strike," was from the creator Erick Louis of past Black Tik Tok Dance Challenge, who was about to introduce a new dance to the new Megan Thee Stallion song "Thot S aka Thot Shit." Of course, this app would be nothing without [Black] people.

Tired Of Not Getting Credit For New Trends, Black TikTok Creators Go On Strike

Source: (npr.org)

Black TikTok creators are "striking" to gain recognition for choreographing dance trends that have been co-opted by white creators, furthering the debate over cultural appropriation online. (mashable.com)

Soon after posting that video, the Non-Black Creators jumped on his video and took the fake, made-up dance for themself! (Kindly like Country and Rock Roll Music.) With that, the dance strike began. Soon black voices were heard all over social platforms! Black users join the fight with videos showcasing TikTok white influencers dancers also Tik Tok stars boring or low-effort dances videos (that's an excellent way of saying it) even white folk joins in on the fun. Making these white influencers so-so dance videos or the lack of no dance videos go viral. Even non-black users jump in on the fun! I guess you can call it Social Justice!

Now we all can see that the white TikTok stars are looking quite funny, not knowing what to do? 

Black Tik Tok creators are what? If you ask Tik Tok... 

When reached for comment on the phenomenon, TikTok praised Black creators as a "critical and vibrant" part of the community. (techcrunch.com)

Black content creators are not allowing their dances to be posted on Tik Tok. Do you know the ones that go viral with that perfect song? Well, black tiktokers are posting their dance videos under secret hashtags. 


Now What?

Everyone is talking about the strike, from blog posts to NBC News and BuzzFeed News. But, as white creators continue to grow on this platform, the black tiktoker creators, aka original creators, are still in the dark with this app. 

It seems the platform known as Tik Tok has been doing a lot of talking but little action! With this platform going after anything that has a black positive or pro statement in the Tik Tok creator marketplace is a strike in the community guidelines...WOW!!!! As of July 26, 2021, Tik Tok sent out a message that it was a mistake and fixed it.

"The black communities seem to be looking more like digital Uyghurs to the China company Tik Tok!" - Anonymous 

Significant of White users seem to mix on how they stand on the issues. As more black influencers are looking to jump ship to a platform like "FANBASE," a black-owned business and black people seem to be following.  People are starting to look at Tik Tok as a falling star with the social media platforms. 

At LL Studio 2069 LLC, we came up with some ideas to help the black creator community and the inspiring voices looking for moderation strategies. So here are "The Top 5 Things That Black Tik Tok Can Do!" can make it painful for Tik Tok, but might help the black TikTok community.


  1. The Black Creators can join forces with Black App Developer s or Black App Owners to build a supportive environment platform, like what black users are doing now with FanBase.

  2. As of now, with the lack of any white Tik Tok, social media influencers have come out with any viral choreography! So a black choreography can now claim that there is the trainer/coach to your favorite white Tic Tok influencer. By making videos that state those claims, creating hashtags, or put in their bio.


The following three items (plus two mentions above in more detail) will be talking about live during a virtual event held August 05, 2021, at 2 PM EST, sponsor by LL Studio 2069 LLC. A round table discussion with Black Tik Tok and other Social Media Black Communities after the virtual event. You can attend the virtual event at… https://social.llstudio2069.com/blacktiktokevent

A video will be posted at a later date with “Tik Tok "The Top 5 Things That Black Tik Tok Can Do!"

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LL Studio 2069 LLC

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