LL Studio 2069 LLC

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What are you doing to challenge your…?

What are you doing to challenge your leveling up with your brand or business? 


 Well, I’ll tell you my story.  This past Sunday, I had less than six hours to complete a significant video/film editing competition, which means building a 30-sec commercial from scratch! The whole 9, from sounded design, Choosing the right music, sound effects, VFX, etc. plus getting 72 clips of videos from a top director in the commercial industry. The pressure was an understatement.  Anyone knows building a 30 sec vide is hard! With less than 6 hrs to do all that, some would say, “you’re crazy!”


Did I make it? Was I able to complete it?


Yes, with 17 min left to the deadline! I learn some more things about me and added more new skills. 

Because I push to do this challenge, I have new directors, editors, companies looking at my work liking, commenting, or both. You’ll never know what can happen if you don’t challenge yourself? 


So, what’s your story….



P.S. Yes, I design the billboard for this post.